How to Live a Happy Life

5 Tips on living a happy life

“The most important thing in life is to enjoy your life, to be happy is all that matters” by Audrey Hepburn.she’s a British actress, model, and humanitarian.

Maybe someone will ask you or somehow somebody has asked you already if you are happy with your life, and your answer was “I don’t know”, maybe, or that you are unhappy. This will leave you pondering on that unanswered question. You will tend to ask yourself if you are truly happy with your life or how are you doing and what are you going to do with it?

1. Be Content

It is human nature that we are jealous of our neighbor’s success. We try to compare ourselves to others. We always want what our friends have. Remember that we are created by God differently and that each of us has his own ladder to climb.

2. Be at Peace

Every one of us has his little “devil” inside our hearts. We meet friends along the way and as we traverse the road of life we make enemies. Some give us hard time and others put us down. A piece of advice, always apologize and always forgive your enemies.

3. Be Kind and Gentle

Little gestures of kindness won’t hurt or harm you. Speak words that soothe the heart of a broken friend. Be sensitive to somebody’s feelings, always try to put yourselves in their situation. Giving the gentleness of your heart makes you happy and fulfilled.

4. Be Grateful

Think of the happy moments that you spend with friends and family. Isn’t a fruitful day to be grateful? Now think of this, there’s no room for unhappiness if you only think of the positive side of life. At the end of the day, it is your life that you are managing.

5. Be Fearless

In every decision, there will always consequence. Life is too short to be consumed with our mistakes. Take your courage with you and continue to live your life. When you stumble get up and forget about the negative side, make it as your inspiration to make things right. Accept that things happen for a reason, these things make you stronger.

Try these simple tips and hope you can say you are truly happy with your life. Do not go somewhere else finding happiness. It is your decision to make, take action now and live your life happily. If you have decided to be happy, be around with people who are vibrant, they attract positive vibes. Kindly click the link below to check more of my blogs.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”-Stephen King

“The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.”-Mark Caine

“When I dare to be powerful – to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”

-Audre Lorde

“Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.”-John F. Kennedy

Live your life happily and freely.

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